This property contains a number of useful methods and attributes that will give you additional level of control and information about the formState.

You can access it from every component by using useFormApi hook.

import useFormApi from '@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer/use-form-api';
const Component = (props) => {
const formOptions = useFormApi();

This hook returns object containing following information:

(fields: schema) => React.Element

If you want to render fields from a component (tabs, subform, etc.) you can use renderForm(fields) function.


The schema prop of FormRenderer.

() => FormState

Using getState components you get an access to the form state. Be aware of subscription - if your component is not subscribed to the form state, it won't be updated when the state is changed. See FormSpy.

(name: string, value: any) => void

You can change value of any field using this function.

(name: string) => void

Calls onFocus event on field with given name.

(name: string) => void

Calls onBlur event on field with given name.

(name: string) => FormFieldState

Returns a state of given field. State contains input and meta information of the field.

() => string[]

Returns an array of field names that are currently rendered in DOM. Useful to know when you collect variables in wizard forms.


True if the all field values is === to the initial values, false if the values are !==. Same as in the FormState.


True if all fields have no validation or submission errors. false otherwise. Same as in the FormState.