current version

@data-driven-forms/editor-core is a set of components and utilities allowing to build a custom Data Driven Forms Drag And Drop editor based on Data Driven Forms Drag And Drop library.

npm install --save @data-driven-forms/editor-core @data-driven-forms/dnd


yarn add @data-driven-forms/editor-core @data-driven-forms/dnd

({ id: string, container: string, HandleProps?: AnyObject, Handle?: Component }) => React.Node

A wrapper around useComponent and useHandle. Returns a wrapper around a rendered form field.

({ id: string, container?: string, isRoot?: boolean, Handle?: Component, HandleProps?: AnyProps, ListProps?: AnyProps, Component: Component }) => React.Node

A wrapper around useContainer.

(state: ) => schema

A function converting DnD state to DDF schema.

A wrapper providing DnD and Editor functionality.

({ component: string, Component?: Component, componentInitialProps?: AnyObject }) => React.Node

A component for selecting new components and dragging them into the form container.

A function preparing DnD condition to DDF condition. Checks and removes all unfinished configuration.

A function preparing DnD validate to DDF validate. Checks and removes all unfinished configuration, esnures that only valid validators are passed to components..

A properties editor for selected components.

Extended DnD Reducer with additional functionality.

Setups Editor reducer.